Game-changing Sleep Aid For Women Over 40


How Improving My Sleep Quality Helped Me Better Manage ADHD Symptoms and Save Thousands I Would Have Spent on Therapies


Emma P.

How getting better sleep helped me better deal with my ADHD symptoms and save me thousands of dollars I would have spent on therapy.

At first, I was hesitant to share my story because it felt too personal, too intimate.

I had always assumed that everyone’s brain functioned the way mine did.

That was until I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 35.

My Journey with ADHD and Sleep

My name is Emma, I am 36 years old, and up until a year ago, I didn’t know I had ADHD.

Now that I have a better understanding of this condition, it’s clear that I’ve always had it.

Especially when I reflect on my childhood.

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The Frustration and The Revelation

I felt frustrated when the doctor explained my diagnosis and how it affected my life.

Because it seemed like I had spent 35 years of my life not living it to the fullest.

And when the very first pill kicked in, I understood how big the difference was.

The Struggle with Medication and Sleep

However, pretty soon, I noticed that once my medication wore off, things worsened again.

Some days, I even felt not much different than before taking the pills.

My doctor then prescribed different medications and doses to find what worked for me.

But when the doctor upped my dose, I ended up staying awake till 3–4 in the morning.


My husband calls it my pacifier. I have to have it. –Ruth B.


The Importance of Good Night's Sleep

The more I read, the more I saw messages about the importance of sleep quality in managing ADHD symptoms.

Research suggests that improving sleep quality can help alleviate ADHD symptoms, and this was something I hadn’t heard before.

First, I found that better sleep plays a crucial role in managing ADHD.

Second, that’s how my BonoSleep journey began.

So What’s the BonoSleep Anyway?

At first look, BonoSleepTM seemed like a strange and interesting small gadget.

It has, however, been shown to be a useful tool that helps people naturally to relax and fall asleep faster.


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“Just try it. What have you got to lose?”


What I noticed the first time was that it would instantly calm my anxious mind and help me relax.

The more significant changes started to appear after two weeks of my new routine:

  • After one week into my new routine, I started sleeping longer and more profoundly.


  • After ten days of using Bonosleep, I stopped waking up during the night.


  • Now, after two weeks of going to sleep each night with Bonosleep in my hand, I wake up fully restored and fresh!
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This happened almost a year ago, and now I sleep like a baby! I can’t even hear my husband snoring!

BonoSleep: The Verdict

I’ve never been so happy with a product in my life.

I’ve been sharing my story to help others suffering from ADHD or lack of sleep in general.

This thing works! You’ve got to try it…

#1 How much does it cost?

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Emma P.


#1 Sleep Gadget for Stress And Anxiety

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